Thanks so much for stopping by!
I'm a twenty-something living in Northwest Mississippi and working as a tax accountant in Memphis, TN.
No, I don't wear a pocket protector or a green visor.
Oh, and did I mention that he bleeds Maroon and White? Mississippi State fan living in the heart of Rebel Country caused some interesting stories.
I'm the least creative person you'll ever meet, and my nickname has become Chef Epps since I can't cook at all. But I try--and it makes for a funny story most times.
I'm a follower of Christ
book worm
movie addict
television junkie
with a shopping problem.
Introduce yourself! I would love to get to know you!
I am no cook. I am a photographer, pianist, writer, and pinner. I heart pinterest! I have lived in five states and I love travel. I have two sweet kitties. Come check their pics out on my blog sometime. Esther Norine Designs
I am a semi-retired grandma, love Jesus, love my Michigan Wolverines, love my Chicago Bears and hubby & I love riding our Harley.
YAY FOR MEMPHIS AREA BLOGGERS!!! I get so excited everytime I find another one :) (even though I guess you found me hah)
I am looking forward to reading your blog and getting to know you!!
ps. Jersey Boys is AMAZING, you'll love it, I'm sure :)
Hi! I'm a Memphis blogger and so excited to have found your blog! I can't wait to read more!
Hey Rachel,
Just wanted to let you know that I'm a new follower and I like your blog so I tagged/nominated you for the Liebster Award!
Please check out my Liebster Award post for the details:
I hope you participate! Have an awesome day!
xo, Moy
I'm kindof in love with the fact that you had orange in your wedding (we did too!) and that your cake has polka dots (ours did too!!!) great minds, right?! Stopping over from Helene's link up!
Hi Rachel!
I've nominated you for the Liebster award on my blog today, the rules are simple if you chose to participate.
1. Link back to the person who nominated you
2. Write 11 facts about yourself once nominated
3. Answer the 11 questions from the person who nominated you
4. Nominate 11 blogs with 200 or less followers
5. Create 11 Questions for those bloggers to answer
All should be posted in just a few mins!
Sorry I couldnt find an email!
Why it's so very nice to meet you, Rachel! What a fun bio page :)) So do you love living in Memphis? Sounds like a pretty hopping place :) Love the wedding pic of you two---and that cake! Oh my, it looks fabulous, great colors. I too, am a bookworm and movie/tv addict...I try to pace myself but I'm so enthusiastic that I just can't stop myself...there, that doesn't sound like I have a problem now. haha :) Look forward to reading more!
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