Sunday, June 30, 2013
Get over here short work week!

Monday, June 24, 2013
You Don't Want to Miss This!

Sunday, June 23, 2013
Lots of Action
Last weekend, we volunteered at the Memphis Union Mission. Wow! What an organization. I was really blown away by what all they have going on in their facilities and all with absolutely no government funds. God is working in the lives of the homeless of Memphis. If you ever get a chance to go, jump at the opportunity!
Afterwards, we went to eat at Trolley Stop. Ohh my gosh. I forgot how awesome their pizza is!
Later that night, we went to watch This Is the End, and it was terrible!! It was extremely sacrilegious. I expected there to be some vulgar parts, but it was wayyy more than I expected. Do yourself a favor, and don't waste your money to watch this one.
We also ran in the Gibson Guitar 5k..and I use the term "run" very loosely. There was lots of walking involved.
This is my "what was I thinking?" face.
And of course, after you work out that much, you must eat tons of BBQ to offset the calories you just burned, right?
Now to the actual most recent weekend...
Rodney is a huge movie lover (in case you hadn't picked up on that already), and Casablanca is one of his all time favorites.
The Orpheum was playing the movie Friday night, so we went to dinner downtown and then to the movie.
We ate at Paulette's and it was absolutely delicious! They had a little fly problem which was pretty annoying, but other than that, everything was perfection! We will definitely have to go back soon.

Saturday, we went to dinner and a movie with sweet friends!
We saw The Bling Ring. It was okay, but I wish we had waited until it came out on Blu Ray. I wasn't that impressed.
After the movie, I finally put two and two together that Pretty Wild on E! was actually about some of the girls involved with the buglaries. This makes me laugh every time I watch it!
After dinner, we went to Jerry's Snow Cones. I have heard about it from almost everyone in Memphis but have never been. I always though everyone's pictures had whipped cream on top of the snow cone. No. I was very wrong, and I'm glad I was. This is soft serve ice cream throughout the snow cone. Be still my soul. It was the most amazing thing ever. I have been thinking about it all day, but they're closed on Sunday. Not that I would actually go....right? ha
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Happy Anniversary -- better late than never...
Well...obviously I'm just now getting around to posting about my weekend.
Friday was mine and Rodney's five year anniversary. I seriously cannot believe it's been five years already! Time has flown by!

I got home from work Friday and had this waiting on me..

We agreed not to get each other a gift since we just bought a bed for the master bedroom. #adultproblems
I felt awful that I didn't have anything for him other than a card, but he didn't seem too upset by it. Guys just don't seem to care as much about those kinds of things.
I opened the box and it was a cotton summer dress. It was pretty but gah...I just can't justify spending that much money on a dress. It wouldn't even be worn that much since it wasn't really work appropriate.
He agreed we could take it back as long as I promised to exchange and not refund, so I got a new purse! yay!
That would have kind of hurt my feelings too if Rodney didn't like what I bought him, but he didn't seem to mind that either. :)
We went to eat at our favorite restaurant, ate sweets at Muddy's, and then watched a movie.
We saw Mud - the movie we were supposed to see at Sundance.
It had awesome reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, but I just didn't like it. It was super slow, so I was semi-glad we missed it at Sundance. It wasn't worth staying up late for like we would have had to do in Salt Lake.
Also this weekend, I went to my first Junior Auxiliary meeting. JA is a organization that serves the county by specifically offering aid to women and children in the area.
I'm beyond thrilled to get to know this awesome group of ladies and be able to give back to the community.

And this post totally qualifies for Random Wednesday, right? Since it's
pretty random to post about your weekend on a Wednesday. I'll try and do
better..or maybe not?
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