After ten years of faithful service, the Infiniti has been laid to rest at Landers Ford in Collierville, TN. She has served our family with over 220,000 miles.
Oh look...there she is on our wedding day driving us away.
oh no! Someone pulled a prank on us!
She takes us to Orange Beach every summer
Our son really enjoyed riding
She will be replaced by a shiny new Ford Fusion hybrid. (no, the car doesn't actually fly as shown in the commercial--It does parallel park itself though. This is something that is frivolous and unnecessary, but growing up in town where parallel parking was never needed, our skills in this area are lacking. I personally prefer a flying car though.)
We tried to buy this car in November, and we just now got it. It was supposed to be in at the end of November. Is it possible to have a completely smooth car buying process? I don't understand how people buy cars every other year and don't go crazy with all this. Makes me want to pull my hair out.
Oh's finally over, and it's nice to actually have a car that has modern features! And at 47 mpg, I'm excited to have a smaller gas budget now. Not excited about a car payment though.

So exciting! Yay! A New car! I'm working towards that after my Masters!
Let me know how y'all like it!! It is on my short list of cars to buy after my current one craps out on me. I'll be milking this no car payment stage for as long as it will last me!
We had an ollllldddd honda that got put to rest about six months ago. I know what you mean abouy being excited about new features, but not the car payment, im with you there! Enjoy the new car, 46 mpg sounds awesome!
Trading cars is always very emotional for me. I've had my Tahoe for almost 5 years. I paid her off early and she hasn't let me down so she's sticking around. Plus I go into pyscho mode when dealing with a car salesman. I mean I will snap if they offer me bottom dollar for my ride. Lol!
whoo hoo!! 220,000 miles is incredible, you guys deserve a new car. but it is emotional to part with an old car and all it's memories
Love that car! Can't wait to hear how you like it. We're in the beginning stages of car-searching. I HATE the car buying process!
congrats on the new car! i'll probably need to get a new one in the next year or 2 and not looking forward to the payments ugh. but it'll be nice to have updated features!
Congrats on the new car!! And extra congrats for making it over 220k miles in the last car. I got my old one over 200k and I was SO proud of myself, lol
Yay for a new car! Lola sits like that on the drivers shoulder, and Spike lies like that on Shane's arm when he's driving lol. Also, we go to Orange Beach every summer and stay at one of the Phoenix's. = )
haha we buy like 2 cars a year, I kid you NOT! My hubby is self employed but his business requires working at some of the dealerships on all the used cars before they go out on the lot for sale..this means he sees them all before anyone else...but he has been around cars so much that he knows a good deal when he sees one - and when he wants to buy one it's like "okay this is what I will give filly-fartin" around...take it or leave it" kind of deal so for us, is always goes smooth. hahaha. that is crazy that car lasted 220k miles! AWESOME!! does the fusion seriously parallel park by itself??
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