It's time for the monthly literary junkies link up!
What are you currently reading? Tell us about it!
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton

I just started it and am only a few chapters in, but so far, I love it! Kate is a serious wordsmith! Her writing just makes me say "wow!"
Let's learn about each others Reading Habits!! Answer the following questions either with a simple answer or with lots of details! Up to you! :)
Amazon or brick and mortar?
Locally owned bookshop or big name chain store?
Bookmark or dog-ear?
Bookmark -- I feel bad about bending a book!
Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random?
neither - my read books are just organized by what looks the best on my bookshelf ha!
Keep, throw away, or sell?
Keep dust jacket or toss it?
Read with dust jacket or remove it?
Short story or novel?
Collection (short stories by same author) or anthology (short stories by different authors)?
hmm..I"m not a fan of short stories.. so can I say neither?
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
I prefer chapter breaks to stop. I usually read at night though, so sometimes I just have to shut the book before I fall asleep.
“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”?
Once upon a time I suppose? Dark and stormy sounds like a scary book.
Buy or borrow?
Borrow - free is better!
New or used?
I honestly don't mind. If I can find it cheaper used then I'm all for it.
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse?
A little of all three. I absolutely hate to waste my time reading a crappy book, so I do lots of research before starting a new book.
Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
Tidy ending - all day long. I hate not knowing what happened!
Morning, afternoon or nighttime reading?
Nighttime. Work is morning and afternoon even though I would prefer to be reading instead of working.
Single volume or series?
Series! If it's a good author then I would love to continue reading something with characters I've fallen in love with.
Favorite series?
Totally cliche, but I have to say the Harry Potter series.
Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
I hate to disappoint, but I don’t think I have anything I’ve read that nobody else has heard of. I usually only read stuff that has been vetted by other people.
sounds like we have lots in common! I hate cliff hangers the most!!!
I've read a few of the Harry Potter books, but didn't get sucked into the whole thing. I don't really like It was a dark and stormy night if it's scary...but if it's got a funny twist, I'm all for it. ;) LOL Thanks for linking up!!!
Stopping by from the Literary Junkies link up- right there with you on not wanting to waste my time reading a crappy book. So frustrating- and I always make myself finish no matter what!
Right there with ya on not wanting to bend the book in anyway! There's something inside me that screams when i see a page folded! Visiting from the link up!
I've heard so many good things about the Forgotten Garden! I've really gotta get a copy of that! Thanks for linking up!
I LOVE love love that book!!
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