I love a lazy night at home, and that's exactly what we had Friday night. We watched People Like Us, and it was really good! I would definitely recommend it!
We ran some errands and laid around the house all day. We watched Jeff Who Lives at Home, and I would definitely suggest not watching it. It was pretty bad in my opinion.
Saturday night was my work Christmas party--yes, accountants can have fun too!
yay for grainy iphone pics!
Congrats to Whit for passing her exam!!
Sweet baby Emerson was dedicated at church Sunday morning, and after the ceremony, we had a yummy lunch with family and friends.
Emerson's mommy April & me
I am seriously so very thankful for April & her hubs. We have been so blessed to have friends that have taken us in like family of their own ever since we moved here. Love you guys!
Sunday night, we watched Dexter and also suffered withdrawals from no Revenge this week. Dexter is seriously heating up. The previews for next week are looking intense!
And's how I feel about the fact that today is Monday...
Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!
I seriously feel the same, exact way! i can not get motivated to do ANY work!
lmao love all your gifs!
Aww I wanted to see Jeff Who Lives at Home so bummed to hear you didn't like it :( But yes I highly recommend For A Good Time Call!!
HA. love the Nene gif. You and me both girl.
xo, Emily
Love that last one about how you feel that it's Monday, I feel the same way! Visiting from the Monday Mingle! I am your newest follower! Follow me back! :)
HAHA! I totally saw that episode of RHWBH - love it!! Vising from Meg's Monday Mingle!
Love your blog! I am your newest follower. That Nene thing cracked me up.
I wasn't a huge fan of Jeff Who Lives at Home, either. Too dark and weird for me.
I have been wanting to see People Like Us! I'm glad to hear it was good- I'll definitely be checking it out!
Oh, Dexter how I love you. We don't have show time, so have to wait until it comes out on DVD. Oh, the torture (no pun intended) 😄
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